Patient Centricity

Drug Discovery

Piramal’s Discovery Services (PDS) site in Ahmedabad, India, provides comprehensive discovery services including synthetic chemistry, in-vitro biology, in-vitro ADME, route scouting, and non-GMP scale-up to large/mid-size pharma, biotechs and academic institutions around the world. We commenced our operations in early 2003, focusing on aiding start-ups and biotech companies and have now grown to a team of over 300 scientists working in world-class chemistry laboratories. PDS can provide forward integration with the company’s drug substance and formulation sites in North America, UK and India.

Featured Services

Synthetic Chemistry

The specialized team at Piramal Discovery Solutions (PDS) makes it one of the most reputed service providers for mg to kg scale discovery chemistry requirements and boasts of a broader experience in preparing high quality small molecule NCEs. PDS is proficient in developing methodologies, including the synthesis of single, multi-step, small arrays as well as designing of focused libraries for use in hit-to-lead and lead optimization projects.

Access to scientific literature and databases such as SciFinder and Reaxys enables the team to modify and develop novel synthetic routes. Compound delivery is accompanied with characterization data including high-field NMR, and mass and purity by LC-MS/HPLC/GC. Also, the Supercritical Fluid Chromatography aids chiral separation and generates a higher throughput.

Featured Services

  • Synthesis of discrete compounds/focused series, building blocks, common intermediates
  • Scale-up of intermediates and final compounds (up to multiple 100 grams)
  • Synthesis of reference standards/impurities
  • Route finding and Route scouting activities
  • Live access to our 35000+ chemical inventory database (including 16000 unique building blocks) via a secure on the cloud software - ChemInventory allowing faster access to starting materials

Specialized Chemistry Capabilities

  • Chiral
  • Aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic
  • Carbohydrate
  • Peptide
  • Steroid
  • Nucleoside
  • Natural product
  • Macrolides/MacrocyclesChiral
In Vitro Biology

Piramal’s in vitro Biology is designed to provide best in class support to our clients to enable their preclinical drug discovery, including assay development, hit identification, hit-to-lead and lead optimization, including HTS, multiplex assay development, primary/secondary functional assays, HCS, and selectivity. Our assay team can develop, and screen compounds, with miniaturization of assays achieved by using 96 and 384-well plates. Our assays are validated rigorously using tool compounds with QC established (signal: noise ratio; Z’-prime; uniformity; reproducibility).

Featured Services

  • In-vitro Biology offers high quality screening through-
    • Target based screening
      • Enzymes (kinases, proteases, phosphatases, dehydrogenases etc.)
      • GPCR
      • Ion Channels
      • Nuclear Receptor
      • Protein-protein interaction
      • Phenotype based screening (based on the therapeutic Indication)
  • Experienced team well versed in biochemistry, cell biology, HTS, HCS and protein engineering
  • Dedicated instrumentation to provide evaluation across multiple formats such as fluorescence (HTRF, FP FI), luminescence, alphascreen and MS
  • All of our service offerings are available under one roof, giving you a seamless experience

Some Key Instruments

  • Liquid handling Systems/Pipetting Stations
    • Echo 650(Acoustic Dispensing)
    • Integra
    • Biomek i7 (Beckman Coulter) integrated with PHERAstar
    • 96-well microplate washer
  • Multimode Plate Readers
    • Polarstar (BMG Labtech)
    • CLARIOstar(BMG Labtech)
    • PHERAstar FSX (BMG Labtech)
    • FLIPR Penta
  • High Content Screening Instruments
    • ImageXpress Confocal Microscope (Molecular Devices)
    • Incucyte SX5
  • Multiplexing Systems
    • LSR Fortessa X20 (BD) - 18 colors
    • MESO QuickPlex SQ 120MM (MSD)
  • Bioanalytical
    • HPLCs (Agilent, Shimadzu)
    • LC-MS/MS
DMPK (In-Vitro ADME/ In-Vivo PK)

In vitro facilities at Piramal Discovery Services, Ahmedabad provide absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) services for faster and improved decision making points or standalone offering to support drug discovery programs. Cost-efficient, standardized and customized assays for ADME parameters are provided to the clients.

Our ADME Capabilities include

  • Physicochemical screening
    • Aqueous solubility (Thermodynamic and Kinetic method)
    • Log P (Octanol/water)
    • Log D (Octanol/PBS)
  • Permeability
    • PAMPA
    • CaCo – 2
    • MDCK (wild type)
  • Protein Binding
    • Plasma Protein Binding (Equilibrium Dialysis)
  • Drug Metabolism
    • Hepatocyte Stability
    • Microsomal Stability
    • Plasma Stability
  • Drug-Drug interaction
    • CYP inhibition assays (Fluorescent and LCMS/MS based)
  • Others
    • P-Glycoprotein Substrate
    • P-Glycoprotein Inhibition
    • Preliminary BCS Permeability (non-GLP)
    • Metabolite Identification (without structure elucidation)

Bioanalytical Services for Small Molecules (non-GLP)

  • Method development
  • Method Validation
  • Bio-sample analysis
Non-GMP Kilo Lab Service

Our fully equipped kilo lab provides rapid development of scalable and robust chemical processes using advanced process methodologies which is critical for quick supply in the early development phase and to understand the scalability of the original process.

Key Equipment

  • Radley’s carousel system
  • 20L, 50L, 100L and 200L jacketed glass reactors with a temperature support ranging from: -70°C to 200 °C
  • Pressure vessel 10L (up to 150 °C & 75 bar) allowing to complete hydrogenation and other chemistry developing pressure
  • Agitator types (Anchor, Retreat, PBT, Flat blade, Rushton disc)
  • Laboratory distillation set up: Regular and Packed columns
  • Freeze driers
  • HPLCs for in-process monitoring
  • KF titrator

Salient Features

  • Producing output from grams to lower kilograms per batch
  • Equipment of different capacities operating over a wide range of temperatures
  • Cryogenic reactions down to -35°C at different scales
  • Hydrogenation reactions
  • Chromatography over SiO2 (~15kg stationary phase) as required. If not required, will look to avoid
  • Team of 7-10 chemists with broad experience in quick generation of material using a fit-for-purpose synthesis
  • For downstream processing, we have different equipment for filtration and drying
    • Combiflash systems and glass columns are available for carrying out chromatographic separation
    • HPLC & SFC purification and separation is performed using a variety of systems in normal as well as in the reverse phase
Analytical Support Services

The analytical team collaborates with the chemists and leads method development, preparative purification and characterization, allowing the chemists to focus on trouble-shooting which ensures better efficiencies and faster deliveries.

Key featured services offered

  • Chiral purification-gram scale by Super Critical Fluid Chromatography
  • Prep HPLC purification services
  • Impurity isolation and characterization
  • NMR analysis e.g. H-NMR,C-NMR, 2D experiments, N-NMR, P-NMR, F-NMR
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis by HPLC
  • LCMS analysis by using single quadruple mass detector

Key Equipments

  • Two Multi-probe, Variable Temperature High field NMRs
  • Preparative HPLCs
  • LCMS
  • HPLCs
  • Preparatory SFC 200 for isolation/ and purification
  • SFC investigator for Chiral method development

A Glimpse into Our Next Chapter: Drug Discovery

Piramal Pharma has over 60 years of expertise in small molecule API development and manufacturing. Our global facilities are equipped to meet your drug substance needs, with dedicated development resources worldwide. As a reliable supply chain partner globally, we support your drug substance development goals.

API Development
API Clinical & Commercial Manufacturing
Generic APIs
Special API Capabilities
  • API Development

    API Development


    We offer comprehensive support for custom API development, covering Route Scouting, Pre-GMP Kilo Lab, Process Development, and Analytical Development, with expertise and flexibility.

  • API Clinical & Commercial Manufacturing

    API Clinical & Commercial Manufacturing


    We offer manufacturing services at lab, kilo, and pilot scales, catering to preclinical studies, all stages of clinical trials, and commercialization, providing quantities ranging from milligrams to kilograms.

  • Generic APIs

    Generic APIs


    Piramal’s Generic API division provides a diverse range of off-patent APIs tailored for global markets.

  • Special API Capabilities

    Special API Capabilities


    Piramal’s Riverview facility offers High Potency API (HPAPI) services. Our teams are experts in the cGMP production of highly potent compounds, from grams to kilograms. With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing, handling, and containment of highly potent compounds, we prioritize safety and quality in all our operations.

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